Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Nasty Comments’ featuring Lucy Lauren & Miss Lina Nasty Comments – Lina & Lucy are really angry with a photographer who has been posting disparaging remarks about them on social media and also guilty of unacceptable behaviour whenever they do a shoot with him so the decide to […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Shoplifter Punished’ featuring Lucy Lauren Shoplifter Punished – Security guard Lucy has caught yet another shoplifter whom she takes to the office to deal with. She gives him a choice of corporal punishment or being reported to the authorities and he reluctantly but wisely choses the corporal punishment […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘More Judicial Punishment’ featuring Lucy Lauren More Judicial Punishment – Correctional administrator Lucy Lauren has a follow up visit with a gentleman who has been sentenced to a dose of corporal punishment for a number of various offences as she doesn’t believe he learnt his lesson the previous […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Judicial Punishment’ featuring Lucy Lauren Judicial Punishment – Correctional administrator Lucy Lauren has to visit a gentleman who has been sentenced to a dose of corporal punishment for a number of various offences. Lucy starts off by ordering him to lower his trousers and underpants and to place […]