Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Contraband (Part 2)’ featuring Amber West & Miss Lina Contraband (Part 2) – Customs officers Lina and Amber catch three guys trying to smuggle contraband in to the country. As it was only a small amount, they are given a choice of being prosecuted or receiving corporal punishment, […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Shoplifter Punished’ featuring Lucy Lauren Shoplifter Punished – Security guard Lucy has caught yet another shoplifter whom she takes to the office to deal with. She gives him a choice of corporal punishment or being reported to the authorities and he reluctantly but wisely choses the corporal punishment […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Contraband’ featuring Amber West & Miss Lina Contraband – Customs officers Lina and Amber catch three guys trying to smuggle contraband in to the country. As it was only a small amount, they are given a choice of being prosecuted or receiving corporal punishment, they reluctantly agree to […]

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Paying The Fines (Case No 1)’ featuring Miss Lina Paying The Fines (Case No 1) – Traffic officer Lina has to deal with a gentleman who had his car towed away for parking on a double yellow line. Because he doesn’t have the money to pay the fine […]