Now available at our Spanking Library Store‘Incentive Scheme’ featuring  Miss Lina women spanking men

Incentive Scheme – Lina has called one of her sales reps in to her office for a discussion about his constantly poor sales figures compared to the rest of the staff.  He comes up with a lot of excuses but Lina is not moved by any of these as she know from talking to other sales staff that he is often late for work and often takes long lunch breaks.  She gives him the option of looking for new employment or taking part in her incentive scheme which involves a dose of corporal punishment to change his behaviour.  Reluctantly he accepts the later and soon finds himself embarrassingly naked and over Lina’s knee for a humiliating spanking.  He then has to lay flat over Lina’s desk to receive further punishment with various leather straps and paddles which Lia administers with great skill and enthusiasm until she is satisfied that he has learnt a valuable lesson and that his sales figures will start to improve. women spanking men

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