Now Available At Our Spanking Library Store

Now available at our Spanking Library Store, ‘Damaged Fish Tank’ featuring Miss Lina

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Damaged Fish Tank – Insurance investigator Lina calls round to see a customer who has made a claim for a damaged marine fish tank and loss of expensive equipment need to run said tank plus repair of water damage to apartment. Unfortunately for this guy Lina’s husband is an expert in keeping tropical fish and she soon realise that he is making a fraudulent claim. Rather than reporting him for fraud to the relevant authorities she has her own way of dealing with matters and gives him the choice of corporal punishment instead. Realising that it’s the only choice that he can realistically make he agrees to her proposal and quickly finds himself over her knee for a good spanking. Worse is to follow when she has him bending over a chair facing the fish tank for a good beating with various implements taken from her briefcase that leaves him with a very sore and bruised bottom by the end of the punishment.

women spanking men

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